When deploying ASP.NET MVC3.0, there are many challenges to solve, especially when use external hosting and I come across similar issue and sharing my solution here.
After hosting the application, the application may not run and page not found error(404.x / 403.x)
The following check-list helps to avoid deployment issues with MVC 3.0
When deploying ASP.NET MVC3.0, there are many challenges to solve, especially when use external hosting and I come across similar issue and sharing my solution here.
After hosting the application, the application may not run and page not found error(404.x / 403.x)
The following check-list helps to avoid deployment issues with MVC 3.0
1. Check your web.config for
the following code under .webServer> section
2. Make sure the App pool is
set to ASP.Net 4.0 with Integrated Mode.
3. In your Project
References set Copy Local to True for the
following assemblies
1. System.Web.Abstractions
2. System.Web.Helpers
3. System.Web.Routing
4. System.Web.Mvc
5. System.Web.WebPages
4. Add the following
assemblies to your project, and then set Copy Local to True
1. Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure
2. System.Web.Razor
3. System.Web.WebPages.Deployment
4. System.Web.WebPages.Razor
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